Sunday, February 17, 2008

I am a manipulative Mom...and I don't even feel guilty about it.  Last night we were sitting down to dinner as my mom was on her way to our house.  Of course, with grandma on her way, I wanted to get Noah to eat some vegtables before he was showered in treats.  "Noah, eat two peas and grandma will come to our house," I told him, knowing full well that she only had 10 minutes left of her hour and a half drive.  Excited, he downed two peas.  Pleased with my progress, I told him, "The more peas you eat, the faster grandma will get here."  It worked, but now my son thinks that his pea consumption somehow impacts the speed limit.  However, I don't feel too mother-in-law (and many other adults I know) believe that yelling at the television can impact a football game, so these types of delusions seem widespread.  I, myself, believe that sleeping makes time move faster. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pretty soon he's going to wise up and realize, like you and I did, that it doesn't work that way. Then you'll have a son who will sit at the table all night not eating his vegetables. :)