Monday, November 19, 2007

Noah's Second Birthday

Time has been moving so quickly. Noah is now two! Of course, if you ask him how old he is he will tell you he is three...and I'm not sure why that is. I suspect it's just his favorite number. This is the same child who loves to point at clocks and demand, "Mommy, see ABC's." I have explained many times that those are numbers, but that's a whole other story.

Between Halloween and his birthday, Noah has had an exciting two weeks and enjoys wandering around the house yelling "trick or treat" and "happy birthday" with equally happy abandon. For Halloween he was a dinosaur. On Halloween, it took a while to get out the door (Travis was gone for a couple of weeks for work, so everything look longer during this time) and at the first house he studied the candy for what felt like ages before picking one out of the bowl. After the second house he stopped halfway to the sidewalk and looked in his pumpkin bucket and then up at me. "More," he smiled, "more Halloween!"

His birthday was equally exciting this year. Now he knows: birthday=cake. For Noah, this sums up everything. Oh, and the presents! We kept things small again this year

This year I have begun to realize that between Halloween and his birthday on November 15th, Noah has a two week stretch of sweets and being spoiled. Our house is officially in detox from candy, cakes and presents. I staged an intervention on Sunday after Noah's birthday party when he demanded cake for breakfast and, when that tantrum failed, began pleading for a sucker. As the voice of reason, I tried to convince him these were terrible breakfasts and (evil person that I am) ignored his demands, giving him a banana. Well, he told me it was trash and promptly threw his banana and bowl in the trash. We had the same fight at lunch, same results, but this time he just dumped the food in the trash and set the plate on the floor. See, progress. (Ha!)

Caleb, for his part, is taking off. The other day I set him on his playmat on the floor while I went to get Noah a bowl of cereal and by the time I returned a minute later he had scooted forward a whole body length. I have a feeling that he will be a full-fledged crawler by the end of January. Noah is already telling him, "watch Caleb" and demonstrating the finer points of moving on his hands an knees. The two of them make quite a pair. I'm sure they'll be ganging up on me in no time.